Saturday, September 11, 2010


I know that I wouldn't be who I am without people. Other People. Family. Friends. Strangers. Children. Elderly people. People I don't like. People I do like. People I probably couldn't function without. People I probably could function without but I like them anyways. People I don't mind but only because I don't see them on a regular basis. People I do mind because I see them on a regular basis. People I wish I saw more often. People I do see often. People I see often against my will. People I see often but I still wish that I could see them more. Interesting people that I wish I was friends with. Interesting people who are better observed from a distance. Interesting people who are my friends. People who are my friends and have common interests. People who are not my friends but I wish they were because we share common interests. People who are my friends but I'm not quite sure why because we have no common interests. People who are not my friends and we do not talk, most likely because we don't share similar interests. People who are not my friends, but I wouldn't know why we're not friends because I've never spoken to them before. People that I think about a lot. People I don't think about a lot. People I wish I could remember to think about. People I wish I could forget to think about. People I used to think about and it makes me sad that I can forget about them. People I will never forget, People I will always remember (yes there's a difference). People who are black and white. People who are colorful. People I would like to be close to. People I used to be close to. People I am close to.

Either way, Whoever you are, you fit in here somewhere. And it's okay that you don't know me. Or that your not really my friend even though I think you are. And it's okay if you think that I'm not cool. Because no matter what you accomplish in your life or how many lives you change, if you're not cool, you're just not cool. And that's okay too, cause at least you can choose whether you're going to accomplish good things or bad things in your lifetime. And when people think about you later, they won't really remember if you were cool or not. They're going to remember you, and what you accomplished and how you changed they're lives. I don't know about you, but that sounds a lot cooler than just being cool.