Thursday, September 30, 2010

Being okay in your own skin. I thought it was easy, but as it turns out, it's very hard. After years of thinking that you're not good's surprisingly hard to convince yourself that you are who you are. I know I can't change who I am, and having just realized that I've spent most of my teenage life trying to change that, I've also realized that accepting myself is not an easy task. Being comfortable in my own skin shouldn't be this difficult! But, alas, it is a great challange. And this time, I will not let it get the best of me. Be okay with myself shouldn't be this hard, and one day, it won't be.

1 comment:

  1. You're absolutely right, Chika, one day it won't be this hard. My constant prayer for you is that you will daily catch a glimpse of yourself from Jesus' point of view. When you do, you will still see the faults and weak places, but you will also know how deeply, wildly and passionately He loves you, and how your weaknesses simply give Him a chance to be closer to you. You are God's girl, a princess, and of infinite value. And so darn cute. :)
    Love, Mom
