Sunday, April 4, 2010


So I was sitting at my frien Meagans counter and we were making tie-die shirts when I suddenly thought to myself...where do I stand. Where do I stand in the world around me? How significant am I to the people around me? What do people think when they see me on the street or in a car? What do people even think of my blog? It's so frustrating not to know. But I guess that's what makes us hummble. If we knew what great things people thought about us...we'd all have suber huge heads! And if we knew all the negative things that people thought about us, we'd be pretty bummed. I mean, I really want to know where I stand in school and stuff like that. What if I stand at the bottom of the most bottomest people in the school? Do I really want to know where I stand? Good question. hmmmm....maybe I should ponder it before I decide to ask God to tell me where I stand.

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